Shooting an episode of Charlie Rose

The day begins very early, because of the extremely high level of security screening. The location is The Waldorf Astoria and we’re here to tape an interview with the new President of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi. We load in half a cube truck of video, lighting, engineering and grip gear, then we’re given a small two […]
Shooting a news show pilot for Chinese TV

I was recently hired to D.P. a pilot for the Chinese network, CCTV. It’s a news program call “I Cheng”, starring reporter Gloria Cheng Ai. The show is mostly interviews with politicians, economists and world leaders. There are also stand ups with Gloria, as well as ‘man on the street’ interviews and a lot of […]
Stevie Wonder concert in United Nations

This was a really fun shoot, just because of how many great musicians were on stage. The event was a Stevie Wonder concert for the 67th Anniversary of the United Nations, with multiple walk on artists and speakers. The venue is the General Assembly building, where full council meetings of the member nations usually take […]
Day of Rest

He said on This day yagara pills I Rest .. viagra With the playoff madness behind them and a “Super” week of madness in front of them the Ferro crew takes some well-earned down time. Make sure you stop back tomorrow as the advance crew heads out to Indy to scout locations and prep equipment […]