The Life and Strife of a Cinematographer

If you were to look up the word ‘cinematography’ in the dictionary, the definition would read, “the art of making motion pictures.” That is the essence of the word, but it doesn’t elaborate on any of the subtleties or responsibilities of the art. Don’t worry, Ferro is here to provide insight. And who better than […]
Ken Kelsch: Director of Photography

Ken Kelsch’s philosophy is very similar to that of Nike’s: “Just do everything,” he says. As a cinematographer with over 40 years in the film and television businesses, his resume is as polished as perfectly as an Officer’s shoes. Kelsch has served as the cinematographer on 49 film projects, including 31 feature length films. He […]
Ken Kelsch: Directors Frank & Abel

Ken chatting with two Directors Frank Rainone and Abel Ferrara on set.
Ken Kelsch: Focus Puller Corey Gegner

Working with Ken Series. Corey Gegner Focus Puller on “Welcome to New York” discusses working with the Arri Alexa.
Ken Kelsch: Adding Filtration on DSLRs

Ken Kelsch, ASC talks matte box, filtration,and “the cool factor” on his DSLR rig.
Cinematography for TV and Film

Award winning Cinematography veteran Alex Aurichio, explains his various roles and responsibilities of being a camera operator in the world of Film and Television production. For more on Alex click here