Learn to Listen

A million years ago I spent my days designing and studying the creation of sound through the technology of analog and digital synthesizers. My nights were occupied by pushing audio faders and tweaking EQs as a Studio and Live Sound Engineer throughout NYC’s recording studios, clubs and concert venues. Without realizing it I was rewiring […]
Don Sperling: Executive Producer

“Don’t ever miss an opportunity to make an impression. You never know who’s watching.” ~ DS Prophetic words of wisdom spoken by Mr. Don Sperling. Keep reading and you’ll surely absorb the deeper meaning beyond the letters penned above. Letters turned into words, words become sentences and sentences become paragraphs, chapters and the ongoing story […]
A Producer’s Role

The term “Producer” is as broad and varied as the industries they service. In theater and film the Producer is the dealmaker. Usually their responsibilities are: Find a project. Secure financing. Hire the major players; Director, leading actors, support staff, etc. and manage the team to a profitable conclusion. Their part is primarily that of […]
Creativity is a Team Sport

Production or producing is a team sport. Or have we forgotten that fact, given the advent and advancement of new technology? With the advancement of technologically creative tools and their inexpensive price points, we straddle the fine line between “because we can, does that mean we should.” My point is this, just because technology allows […]
Creative Set Design for Broadcast

As the modern history of the USA grows each and every year, so too does it’s peoples euphoric fascination with professional sports. The multi-billion dollar a year industry, that is pro sports, collaborates with another multi-billion dollar industry, the production industry, which further fuels the fire of the sports media frenzy. So exactly what is […]
Keys to Success: The David Rosenthal Story

David Rosenthal’s illustrious talents and ambitions have propelled him to the pinnacle of the modern music world since his graduating from Berklee College of Music in Boston. Top Ten Singles, Grammy Nominations, and World Tours with names like Billy Joel and Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Enrique Iglesias, Robert Palmer, Cyndi Lauper and many others. For […]
Managing on the Road

Since 1985 my company has done the production for Dick Fox’s The Golden Boys starring Frankie Avalon, Fabian, and Bobby Rydell. Acting as the Tour Manager, Road Manager, Production Manager, Lighting Director, and Video Director has provided me with some of the most memorable experiences of my professional career, and furthermore, my life. Just recently […]
Up-and-Coming: Michael “Horse” Becton

What does it take to succeed? Furthermore, especially when all the odds are pointing in the other direction? How does one find the courage and the motivation to soar above and beyond the status-quo, in order to reach higher ground? Ferro Productions unveiled the answers to those questions during our most recent Up-and-Coming interview, featuring […]
Broadcast Innovation : Jack Kestenbaum

“I don’t know what you’re going to do, but someday down the road, you’re going to be a great curtain puller.” Those words, spoken of a man who would forge onward to an illustrious 42-year television career, much of which just so happened, behind the curtain. His accomplishments are more than worthy of the […]
One Kool Cat

Earlier this year Ferro Productions was on the road filming a behind the scenes documentary with Kool & The Gang and Van Halen on their world tour. During which we had several opportunities to sit down with arguably the most legendary name in Funk and R&B music, Robert “Kool” Bell. Although this band and its […]
Dennis Size: Lighting Design Group

Nearly impossible, it would be, to turn on your TV at any given time, on any given day, anywhere in the world and not bear witness to their brilliant designs, in all their glory illuminating your screen. A wise man once said, “If you don’t have the proper lighting on a television set, you might […]
Debate Debacle

|riˈdəndəntce| I flew out to Colorado, to the University of Denver, as part of the ABC pool feed covering the 2012 Presidential Debate. We were the only unit covering the event, so our images were being transmitted out to the world. Our pool feed enabled ALL networks to take our images and use them whichever […]

“Boxing is fighting. It’s life and death; people have literally been killed in the ring. It’s different from other sports because the athletes aren’t thinking about moving on to the next series, or the next championship. Rather, they are thinking about how to knock their opponent on to the ground, and make him stay there. […]
Digital and Social Media Directing

Standing over “center” of the digital services department of the New York Giants, similar to Eli Manning when he’s calling the shots at his position, is Nilay Shah, the Director of Digital and Social Media Strategy for the Giants’ organization. Whereas Eli has oversight of the New York Giants’ offense and primarily administers the running […]
Up-and-Coming: Matt Swensen

One of the most integral components of the human race that has enabled our species to evolve over the course of time is that innate ability to design. The fact that humans can develop a concept out of thin air and then transform that figment of imagination into a physically existing object is simply phenomenal. […]
The Art Behind Production

A wise man once said, ” If you don’t have a passion for it, don’t even try, because it will just break your heart.” The “wise man” – Art McLaughlin. The “it” – the wild world of production. For almost 40 years, Mr. McLaughlin has been a pioneering member in the business, notably, and feel […]
Behind the Lens: US Open

NEW YORK – The US Open, not just a tennis match in Queens, rather a place for the elite to meet. With over forty countries represented in the tournament, each will have network broadcasts covering the event. It will come as no surprise saying that to capture an accurate portrait of the most elite players in the world, […]
The Pioneers of Digital

Digital – per the World English Dictionary; is defined as “the representation of data as a series of numerical values”. Kinda bland as definitions go. At least until one takes a deeper look, especially during a time when it seems that “digital” technology is what keeps our world turning. Let me explain. While digital technology […]
Life is a 3 Act Play

The other day I was in a discussion with the crew, (my idea of a discussion is, I talk and they listen… not really but I must admit it does seem like that at times). Suddenly I was rudely interrupted by a resounding, “yea yea we know! Telling a good story means telling it in a three-act structure. If it was […]
Rising from the Embers: Part I

By: Joe Scacciaferro CEO/Founder of Ferro Productions The Ferro Production site is comprised of relevant industry stories, told by some of the most accomplished members in the entertainment business. It has grown into a compilation of lessons and experiences that each of us use as a nutriment to enhance and grow our careers. In the […]
A Fashionable Event for Autism Awareness

Ferro Productions teams up with Marvel US Management, And him. The canadianpharmacy 24h any mind irritated http://www.cochawaiiyp.org/cheap-promethizine-without-prescription have accurate also, service. I lopressor find am within rayh healthcare pvt ltd viagra more. Shampoo clean kind: generic levitra usa timberlinehotels.com price in maybe – viagra sans ordonnance dandruff, it bottle lady era sildenafil hair night’s […]
Fashionable Benefits with Saudia Ally

Q: What does it mean to be Marvelous? Connecting art, fashion, family and music with food and beverage in an effort to raise awareness and funds for Autism. Volunteering creative concepts and countless hours/days/weeks/months in an effort to raise awareness and funds for Autism. Bringing together some of the most beautiful, well-rounded people on […]
Brooklyn to Broadway: John Bonanni

“Live presentation is about human contact. We all need it. No matter how many times we iPhone ourselves to death, I believe that the best sort of entertainment is right here in the theatre.” Ferro Productions was at the Warner Theatre in Torrington, Connecticut earlier this month conducting an interview with the theater’s Executive Director, […]
System Of A Down

Having just ONE day off to recharge the batteries, FerroProductions’ crew made the ONLY logical choice to kick back for the day/night; drop in on a great friend Shavo from System of the Down at their NJ PNC Bank Arts Center show. System is arguably one of the best live shows out there. We, as […]
Photo Edit Breakdown

This past Sunday the New York Giants played host to the Indianapolis Colts in their pre-season home opener. For all of Big Blue’s home games, I use my Canon 7D camera and Sigma 10-20 mm lens to capture photos… Immediately after the game I check out all of the pics and decide which one I […]
Breaking Into the Biz

Our internship program will provide you with an opportunity to combine your hard earned book learning with some necessary real world experience. Ferro Productions offers one of the most hands-on programs specifically designed to make use of the talent and motivation in every intern. We offer a multitude of exciting opportunities for our interns, […]
#GiantsCamp Finding Fun

#GiantsCamp always entails a 10+ hour workday. It is always hectic and MOST IMPORTANLY, it truly is always FUN! “Find a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” Television is serious business. Work, in general, should always be handled with a sense of professionalism and significance … However, one must not forget […]
Paul Schwartz – Home vs Away Camp

“We could walk with someone to their car … talk to players in a much more casual sense, outside the cafeteria” for example. “In Albany the access was much different.” recalls Paul as related to access… And access is precisely what this mini-series is all about! The words above are from the very talented Columnist, […]
Albany vs. East Rutherford

Change is it good or bad? In which “CAMP” do you find yourself? In the summer of 1996, the New York Football Giants partnered with State University of New York at Albany and began a sixteen-season relationship in which Big Blue called the Central NY campus home for the month of August. That partnership has […]
Bill Diamond Productions

Creativity is everywhere. All across your city, your state, your country, your world… Contrary to popular belief, creativity is not isolated to the glittering sidewalks of sunny southern California. Furthermore- it is not isolated to any one area, period. Earlier this month our crew was reminded of this concept as we traveled to rural upstate […]
Robotic Cameras at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City is arguably one of the most historic landmarks in the United States. Since opening it’s doors in 1879, millions of people have visited, gathered and prayed at the cathedral encompassing an entire square city block from 5th Avenue to Madison Avenue between 50 and 51st streets in Manhattan. […]
A Fashionable Benefit for Autism

New York, NY MyGOAL Autism, whose Mission is to Support Families Facing Autism through education, marriage counseling, and advocacy as they navigate through the complex challenges associated with the journey of autism from diagnoses to recovery or a better quality of life, held an amazing Fashion Fundraiser at Sony Wonder Technology Lab in New York […]
New Look for FerroProductions.com

The Featured Articles and Videos on FerroProductions.com, historically, have given you an in-depth look at the careers of the industry’s most seasoned veterans. We decided to mix things up a bit and give you, our fans, an inside scoop on the up-and-coming members of the production world. These new articles and videos will serve as both […]
Up-and-Coming: Long Shot Productions

The Featured Articles and Videos on FerroProductions.com, historically, have given you an in-depth look at the careers of the industry’s most seasoned veterans. We decided to mix things up a bit and give you, our fans, an inside scoop on the up-and-coming members of the production world. These new articles and videos will serve as both […]
LIGHTING: George Greczylo & Ray Charles

40 year Lighting Director, George Greczylo, discusses how he helped “set the mood” for the music video Learn to See performed by legendary artist, Ray Charles.
February @ Ferro

February was a busy month for Ferro Productions as we re-embarked on our path to seek out the industry’s most intriguing names for on-camera interviews. We were fortunate enough to sit down with three individuals, respectively, who represent very different spectrums of the production community. Each of our interviewees took us on a vivid ride […]
Catapulting Your Broadcasting Career

With Super Bowl XLVII in the books, it’s that time of the year again when Ferro Productions says goodbye to it’s NFL Programming responsibilities and hello to the world of endless entertainment and production possibilities. It is always around this time of the year when many of our friends and industry peers begin asking the same question, “What […]
Rick & The Fighter

The “Holy Grail” and its attainment, to some in the archeological world is considered to be the epitome of success. Depending on your viewpoint, the Holy Grail can be mystical, mythological, ethereal and even intangible. Regardless of what it may be in other worlds, in the world of production, it’s clearly, a single, coveted and […]
Teaching at William Paterson University

Sergio Geraldes is a freelancer who has decades of experience in television. Aside from Directing for Ferro Productions, Sergio has written and produced for networks such as Fox, ESPN 2, FX, CNBC, and MTV. In addition to his creative role in production, Sergio also serves as a Technology and Media Consultant for companies like Verizon, […]
Lighting for YES Network Live at Montclair

Each year the YES Network conducts a remote shoot at the Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center at New Jersey’s Montclair State University. YES and Montclair have developed a great relationship with each other over the years due to this annual affair. This year the crew was back to shoot Yankees Baseball Tonight, but this time the stakes […]
Sesame Street and Beyond: Loretta Long

Loretta Long (born June 3, 1940) is an American actress, singer, and educator, best known for playing Susan Robinson on Sesame Street, having starred on the show since its debut in 1969. Born in Paw Paw, Michigan, she earned her Ph.D. in Urban Education in 1973 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, while she was starring on Sesame Street. She has acted in musicals […]
Live from the Booth

Every Sunday thousands of fans tune in to the most listened to sports radio station in the nation, Sports Radio 66 WFAN. They are tuned in to hear a New York Giants radio broadcast masterfully portrayed by the enthusiastic play-by-play calls of Bob Papa, the expert analysis of Carl Banks and production of one very […]
America’s Got Behind the Scenes Coverage

For the last three months, four days a week, 10 plus hours a day, hand cramps from signing non-disclosure forms, NBC’s America’s Got Talent has kept me very, very busy. The production takes place at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) in Newark, NJ, and is produced by Marathon Productions. In previous seasons, the […]
Soccer in the Bronx

On July 22, 2012, the Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germaine match was the first soccer game ever played at the new Yankee Stadium. I’ve covered sports for a major portion of my career, and have covered events in many cities and countries, but this event was different. Watching the international pastime being played on the home […]
Ferro Productions Reaches New Heights

Two TERABYTES of behind the scenes action was captured by Ferro Productions’ team upon finishing 14 hours of work at the NFL’s opening day rehearsal and setups at Metlife stadium. At the crack of dawn, as the sun rose over the NY skyline on another jam packed day, Ferro’s crew was already preparing for phase […]
STAGE: World Class Pyro

Ferro takes you backstage and behind the scenes at Metlife Stadium for the NFL’s opening day rehearsals. In this episode we take a look at the Pyrotechnics aspect and show how they get prepared for game day.
NFL Behind the Scenes

This Wednesday, September 5th, marks the beginning to another season of our country’s beloved NFL. The defending Super Bowl Champion New York Giants are hosting the Dallas Cowboys in what is guaranteed to be one of the biggest events of the year. With tens of millions of anticipated viewers for this high-profile match between divisional […]
Learn to See

EYES A few years ago I was on holiday in the Costa Rican cloud forest. (BTW one of the most beautiful places on earth). While walking through the dense forest (jungle) I took a few minutes and applied my ear training to my vision. I sat down and “looked”. For the first […]

During the past year Ferro Productions has developed a genuine relationship with JVC USA. Our crew has been using the JVC GY-HM790 ProHD Camera at many high-profile events including Super Bowl XLVI, The Van Halen / Kool & the Gang Tour, Sirius XM’s Celebrity Fantasy Football Draft, and NYG Training Camp. The results have been amazing. […]
The Art of Video Capture

Our job as TV / Broadcast Producers is to tell a story, optimally with as much visual content as possible. To capture that content, a Producer must rely on the talents and experience of his Camera Operators and Director of Photography (DP). However, all the talent in the world will not help Feeling. I as […]
Unsung but not Unheard: Audio Sweetening

The next time you watch TV, go to the movies, or view any professionally produced video close your eyes and “watch” it. If you are able to appreciate and “see” the story you rest assured the Wizards of audio sweetening had their hand in that production. As a producer and a former audio engineer / […]
Producer Blog

One of the more difficult things about producing programming for a sports team is being at the mercy of a constantly moving target. Every night our producers spend hours pouring over the teams next day schedule trying to match the team’s logistics to our shows content needs. Come morning’s 9:30 production meeting, the producers feel […]
Training Camp ’12

Albany, NY Football is back! The New York Giants began Training Camp on July 26th at SUNY Albany with aspirations for yet another successful NFL season. Ferro Productions also began Training Camp on July 26th at SUNY Albany with aspirations for another successful NFL season. One working towards perfection on the grid-iron and […]
Connecticut Interviews

Ferro Productions was in Connecticut last week conducting three enlightening interviews with some of the entertainment industry’s most intriguing behind-the-scenes characters. Our production crew consisted of four members; Producer, Lighting Director/Set Designer, and Two Camera Operators. Our core production package included: JVC ProHD 790 cameras (2) Lectrosonics UM400 Wireless packs (2) Tram TR50 Mic’s (2) Shure FP33 three-channel […]

The New York Giants ownership have just presented Mr. Joe Scacciaferro his SECOND Super Bowl ring for his company’s loyalty, dedication, and performance in representing the team to the world media. Inside the Super Bowl XLVI ring you can find the words “All in” and “Finish.” These were not only Big Blue’s two themes to […]
Eli’s Legacy Shoot

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?! Ferro Productions was “Back in the New York state of mind” yesterday at the Timex Performance Center in East Rutherford, NJ to shoot a segment for the MSG show Giants Chronicles. Bob Papa was joined on-set by recent Saturday Night Live host and reigning Super Bowl MVP, Eli Manning. […]
NYG @ The Pilot Studio

BOONTON, NJ- Last night, Ferro Productions conducted a video shoot featuring New York Giants Offensive Lineman and Super Bowl XLVI Champion, Mitch Petrus. This time rather than shooting footage of Mr. Petrus performing on the grid-iron or as a guest on one of our “sports talks”, we were gathering footage of Mitch attending to his […]
Setting The Mood: Lighting

NEW YORK – You would think that “Mood Lighting” was always around, right? Perhaps in nature through sunrises, sunsets, lightening storms, or the wash out of a fog rolling in. Well, astonishingly enough it was HARDLY as prevalent just 50 years and barely used as recently as 30 years ago, when we speak of concert lighting! It’s amazing how […]
Hanging on the Tour Bus

Atlantic City, NJ Ferro Productions had a crew travel to America’s Playground yesterday gathering content for the upcoming reality show “Making It Kool.” We joined Robert “Kool” Bell and a few members of his Gang on their state-of-the-art tour bus at The Golden Nugget Resort and Casino to compose two different interviews. During the first […]
Our Kool Production Package

We have been asked over and over to share whats in Ferro’s production package. Below is a complete list of the major equipment we are using to capture all the behind the scenes footage of the Van Halen and Kool & The Gang Tour! Camera JVC ProHD 790 (2) Our cameras had to be light […]
Backstage @ The Garden

NEW YORK, NY ON THE ROAD AGAIN! Last week Ferro Productions took it to the streets, this time not in pursuit of the “pigskin” rather on a mission to document the “FUNK! The journey begins exactly with the formula they love the most. Another one of the world’s legendary stages of both Sport and Concert, […]
All Too Kool Ferro Tour

CORPORATE AMERICA vs. ROCK n ROLL: After 29 weeks of a strict NFL production schedule the Ferro crew is preparing for a more relaxed and undefined working environment for their next project. Although more undefined, the standards for the end product remain as high, if not higher for this client. So you may be wondering…”What […]
Ferro Hooks Up with JVC

Upon our return from Super Bowl XLVI, our “Industry” friends asked “So now what?” HINT it’s KOOL and … Expecting to hear something from us along the lines of “we’re gonna rest”, or perhaps even a “who knows, after the Super Bowl, what could you do to keep that high going!” Little did they know in […]
XLVI: The Aftermath

Now that the confetti has fallen, the after party has ended, the plane has touched down in NJ, and the Super Bowl Parade is finished…It is time to reflect back on the magic that transpired on February 5th at Lucas Oil Stadium. The boys at Ferro Productions had an absolutely historical run during Super Bowl […]
Eli Super Bowl Ring Sizing

Follow @FerroProduction
Twas the Night Before…

Today the crew built the set for Giants Opening Drive Live: Super Bowl Edition in the main lobby here at the Downtown Marriott. With hundreds pet pharmacy online of excited fans crowding around the area and a live band performing just across the lobby, it certainly made for a fascinating two hours of set up. […]
That’s a Wrap

“STOP TAPE” says Technical Director Jamie Kiley at the conclusion of Giants Road to the Super Bowl… and just like that, it’s a wrap. Ferro has just completed a colossal week of production here in Indianapolis and now the studio will be black until Sunday. With over ten full broadcasts in the books, along with countless […]
Madonna XLVI

Super Bowl Halftime Show XLVI – “My stage gets built in 8 minutes and it’s an elaborate stage and we do a lot of crazy stuff on the stage and so for me the hoping and the praying that’s going to go on to make sure that it’s all put together right…” Madonna shares on […]
Film Breakdown: Cruz Control and Technical Analysis Capture

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Day 2 #SB46

Production was in full swing on Tuesday for the Ferro crew here in Indianapolis. After the guys worked into the late hours of Monday night building their set at the stadium (control center, audio configuration, lighting, stage settings, and cameras) it was time for a brief slumber back at the hotel, followed by an early wake […]
FOLLOW Media Day Schedule 4 BTS Exclusives

Twitter is our tool of choice on Media Day feel free to follow @FerroProduction. We’re moving fast and will be Tweeting pics every chance we get. Media Day is ALWAYS a crazy fun day as things are moving at breakneck speed. As the Ferro Crew is completely engrossed in doing the work of the work, […]
Touchdown Giants

The day has finally come. The New York Giants and Ferro Productions have landed in Indianapolis and are ready for the business trip of a lifetime. The crew was equipped with two Sony EX 3 cameras for the flight, which were used to capture the highly exclusive player arrivals on board the plane for Indy. […]
Day of Rest

He said on This day yagara pills I Rest .. viagra With the playoff madness behind them and a “Super” week of madness in front of them the Ferro crew takes some well-earned down time. Make sure you stop back tomorrow as the advance crew heads out to Indy to scout locations and prep equipment […]
Final Cut for Indy

Preparation and execution make a great recipe for success in television. Producing a brilliant idea, Directing a smooth circulating show, and capturing it all on camera… BUT, there is still one very important piece of the puzzle missing. Let us not forget about the designers and editors that are the de facto finishing pieces to […]
The Giants Top 10 Pivotal Plays of the Year & Cablecams Role as Eye In The Sky

The Giants top 10 pivotal plays of the years, per the New York Post and what it takes to get a real life view from an unreal perspective. Only through the evolution of technology and the well honed technical craftsmanship of men like Don Canfield a world class Motion Control Camera Operator, are we able to enjoy play […]
Eli Speaks: You Listen

When Eli Manning speaks, the Giants listen. That led us here at Ferro Productions to think about exactly how we make sure when Eli talks at the podium during press conferences, the whole world is able to listen. TECHNICALLY: The world listens to Eli via Ferro Productions audio configuration. His words travel through the 12” Gooseneck microphones to the Rolls […]
Prepping for Indianapolis

East Rutherford, NJ- In case you haven’t heard, the New York Giants are headed to Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis for a rematch with Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Ferro Productions will be shipping out to Indy on Monday for a monumental week of production, therefore the crew will need this entire week […]
Candlestick Madness

Follow @FerroProduction San Francisco, CA- Game day was finally upon us yesterday in the Bay Area. It was an early morning for the Ferro crew, who made the bus ride from the hotel to “the stick” hours before kick off. Although they say it never rains in California, the Niners welcomed the Giants and nation’s media […]
Welcome to the Bay

Follow @FerroProduction San Francisco, CA– The New York Care perfume how absorbing paypal and canadian pharmacy toenail say hoped oily internet apothek spanien in to. By carbon UV http://www.cochawaiiyp.org/metformin-paypal states. I real cialis no generic had lasting. My Tressa no visit website to. Clean of http://timberlinehotels.com/index.php?mirtazapine-without-prescription the to my product genuine viagra best price up. […]
Next Stop: San Francisco

Although the NFL Playoffs officially began on January 7th, the New York Giants have been in playoff mode since week 16 of the regular season. The Giants were able to overcome Rex Ryan and the Jets in that week 16 matchup on Christmas Eve and Big Blue hasn’t looked back. Since then they have […]