Madonna XLVI

Super Bowl Halftime Show XLVI – “My stage gets built in 8 minutes and it’s an elaborate stage and we do a lot of crazy stuff on the stage and so for me the hoping and the praying that’s going to go on to make sure that it’s all put together right…” Madonna shares on […]
Video-Game View on Life!

Captured the Running of the Bulls – Pamplona. Participated in 5 Olympics. Spotted at the Academy, MTV, BET and Kid’s Choice Awards. Hung with Paul McCartney, James Brown, Garth Brooks, Madonna, Metallica, The Stones, Black Eyed Peas and Celine Dion. On set with Batman, Catwoman, Spiderman and the Terminator. Arguably has the best seats in […]
Lights, Camera, Access

Welcome to, the all-new home of Ferro Productions. Here we will showcase the work and accomplishments of Ferro Productions. Through a collection of featured stories and news articles we will also provide you with an insider’s view into the world of production in music and television through the first hand accounts of Ferro’s team […]