Video-Game View on Life!

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Captured the Running of the Bulls – Pamplona. Participated in 5 Olympics. Spotted at the Academy, MTV, BET and Kid’s Choice Awards. Hung with Paul McCartney, James Brown, Garth Brooks, Madonna, Metallica, The Stones, Black Eyed Peas and Celine Dion. On set with Batman, Catwoman, Spiderman and the Terminator. Arguably has the best seats in the house for Football, NASCAR, Boxing, Baseball, Hockey, Soccer, and Basketball.  Shot many a commercial. Fly’s 25 mph, 40 feet off the ground strung out with Kevlar!

While you think we may be speaking about “the most interesting man in the world”, you’d be right and wrong all at the same time.  Actually, of what we speak is of a very special man and an exception piece of technology.
Were it not for the fact that without the talents of Don Canfield, and an elite group of his peers, Cablecam’s WOULDN’T MOVE AN INCH!
Ferro, in what we know you’ll find to be another amazingly interesting interview, takes an inside look at how Don Canfield provides those of us constrained by REAL LIFE physics, the VIDEO-GAME angle of life. Cutting edge, sophisticated technology boiled down to human brilliance, intuition, skill, coordination through a JOYSTICK to you!!!
Our upcoming Ferro Productions cover story…

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